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Wed, 26 Feb 2025:- 23:39 UTC [309] [history] - TwistedDIRTWiki → DirtTwister
- 23:36 UTC [307] [history] - Textures → DirtTwister
- 18:50 UTC [304] [history] - ObjectsWedgeBales → JamieT
- 14:38 UTC [303] [history] - ObjectsCornerBales → JamieT
- 09:21 UTC [302] [history] - ObjectsTrapezoidBales → JamieT
- 09:20 UTC [301] [history] - ObjectsDoubleBales → JamieT
- 09:50 UTC [294] [history] - ObjectsSingleBales → JamieT
Thu, 18 Oct 2012:
- 22:05 UTC [283] [history] - BaTest → DirtTwister
- 20:44 UTC [271] [history] - WikkaConfig → DirtTwister
- 20:43 UTC [270] [history] - SysInfo → DirtTwister
- 19:50 UTC [265] [history] - TableMarkupReference → WikkaInstaller [Upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3.3]
- 19:50 UTC [264] [history] - TableMarkup → WikkaInstaller [Upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3.3]
- 19:50 UTC [263] [history] - WikkaReleaseNotes → WikkaInstaller [Upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3.3]
- 19:50 UTC [261] [history] - FormattingRules → WikkaInstaller [Upgrading from 1.2 to 1.3.3]
- 09:33 UTC [220] [history] - Wonderfulpostoncardetailing → Mcm2Boys
- 09:31 UTC [219] [history] - ReflexTrackCompilerInstallation → Mcm2Boys
- 15:52 UTC [216] [history] - SoftnessMapTexture → DirtTwister
- 15:25 UTC [210] [history] - DirtTextures → DirtTwister
- 15:00 UTC [205] [history] - MaskMapTexture → DirtTwister
- 14:56 UTC [203] [history] - ChromLumTexture → DirtTwister
Sun, 29 May 2011:
- 09:05 UTC [192] [history] - TopdownTexture → DirtTwister
- 09:04 UTC [190] [history] - CreateTopdown → DirtTwister
- 22:23 UTC [172] [history] - ReflexTrackCompilerTipTricks → DirtTwister
- 18:43 UTC [165] [history] - DetailMaskTexture → DirtTwister
- 12:11 UTC [156] [history] - ReflexTrackCompilerOverview → Mcm2Boys
- 07:07 UTC [152] [history] - ReflexTrackCompilerSharing → Mcm2Boys
- 18:13 UTC [151] [history] - GettingStarted → DirtTwister
- 08:24 UTC [135] [history] - BikeRiderSkins → DirtTwister
- 13:21 UTC [131] [history] - CreateShortcutsInFileOpenSaveDialogs → DirtTwister
- 16:33 UTC [113] [history] - JvdlChromLum → DirtTwister
- 20:52 UTC [82] [history] - ShadowMask → TestUser
- 16:48 UTC [44] [history] - DisplacementMaps → TestUser
- 12:05 UTC [32] [history] - WikkaWikiInfo → DirtTwister
- 08:47 UTC [27] [history] - HighScores → WikkaInstaller
- 08:47 UTC [21] [history] - OwnedPages → WikkaInstaller
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- 08:47 UTC [13] [history] - MyChanges → WikkaInstaller
- 08:47 UTC [12] [history] - MyPages → WikkaInstaller
- 08:47 UTC [11] [history] - TextSearchExpanded → WikkaInstaller
- 08:47 UTC [10] [history] - TextSearch → WikkaInstaller
- 08:47 UTC [9] [history] - OrphanedPages → WikkaInstaller
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- 08:47 UTC [7] [history] - WikkaDocumentation → WikkaInstaller