Create Shortcuts in Windows File Open/Save Dialogs

I use windows explorer a lot and I use it as my starting point. I tend to use the Libraries section a lot for long term locations and I use the Favorites section to put locations that I go to frequently. These tend to change depending on what I'm working on, so I usually limit it to what I currently need frequently. I then tend to want these in my File Open/Save dialogs. In Windows 7 because I use the favorites and Libraries they automatically appear in my File Open/Save dialogs, but if I use a program that doesn't uses the old style dialogs they don't appear. Because of that I also edit the places bar, which in Windows 7 work, but isn't there by default and there are default locations. To change them you have to add that section to the registry.

I figured it might be useful to put this info here, because it is annoying to navigate around to the Reflex database folder. When I watch people work I notice that very few people take advantage of these until I show it to them.

Adding a folder to Windows 7 Favorites

My test tracks folder and Steam Database folder added to my favorites, which makes them available to every application that uses the new Windows 7 File Open/Save Common Dialog. Below these images is an explanation on how to add these to the dialog that older programs use.

Windows 7 Favorites

Adding a location to Favorites:

  1. Navigate to the folder that you want to add
  1. Right click on "Favorites"
  1. Select "Add current location to Favorites"

Windows 7 Favorites

Adding shortcuts to the Places Bar

Older applications most likely will not use the new Windows 7 common dialogs. Some will use file open/save dialogs of their own making. This tip will not work for them. Older applications and some not so old applications like "Paint Shop Pro X3" still use the older XP style common dialog. These dialogs had a Places Bar on the left side. It is possible to replace these and add some of your own. I use Regedit to do this. It can also be done with Tweak UI, older version. I don't know about the newer version and it can be done with, but Windows 7 Home doesn't have this utility. I think it's easier to just use regedit.

File open dialog with my shortcuts added:

Old File Open/Save dialog

Instructions to add shortcuts to places bar:

  1. Open Regedit (Start button, type Regedit.exe in the search dialog, and hit return)
  1. Navigate to HKEY_Current_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies
  1. If you have a comdlg32 key under Policies then you have already edited your Places Bar and you can skip to step 5. If not then create a new key called "comdlg32"
  1. Under comdlg32 should be a "Placesbar". If not then create a new key and call it "Placesbar"
  1. In Placesbar you need to add strings that contain the locations of the shortcut. There can be Places0 to Places4. Edit or add any that you need. If there are not any then do the following steps.
  1. Right-click on right pane and select New-->String Value
  1. Type in the name Place0
  1. Hit enter twice and you can then type in the path that you want associated with this shortcut. The path can be something like "C:\" or it can be a UNC like "\\severname\sharename\folder". It can also be one of several key names for special places. I will put a list of them at the bottom.
  1. You can keep adding places up to Place4.

Old File Open/Save dialog

Special Names:

The list of names below does not include the "Libraries" folder. If you want to use that folder you have to give the path. The Library folder is under your AppData folder. You can find out what it is by entering the following in your "Start-->Search box":

cmd /k set appdata

You take what is displayed there and add "\Microsoft\Windows\Libraries".

List of the names of the special folders that can be used instead of drive paths:

List of ID's that can be used instead of drive paths:

It is possible to use ID numbers for the special predefined folders. Here is a list of them. To use these you need to make each PlaceX a DWORD value instead of a string and then use the number listed below:

ID (hex)Predefined Folder
1Internet Explorer
2Start Menu\Programs
3My Computer\Control Panel
4My Computer\Printers
5My Documents
6<user name>\Favorites
7Start Menu\Programs\Startup
8<user name>\Recent
9<user name>\SendTo
a<desktop>\Recycle Bin
b<user name>\Start Menu
clogical "My Documents" desktop icon
d"My Music" folder
e"My Videos" folder
10<user name>\Desktop
11My Computer
12Network Neighborhood (My Network Places)
13<user name>\nethood
16All Users\Start Menu
17All Users\Start Menu\Programs
18All Users\Startup
19All Users\Desktop
1a<user name>\Application Data
1b<user name>\PrintHood
1c <user name>\Local Settings\Applicaiton Data (nonroaming)0x001d nonlocalized startup
1eNonlocalized common startup
1fCommon favorites
20Internet Cache
23All Users\Application Data
26C:\Program Files
27C:\Program Files\My Pictures
29x86 system directory on RISC
2ax86 C:\Program Files on RISC
2bC:\Program Files\Common
2cx86 Program Files\Common on RISC
2dAll Users\Templates
2eAll Users\Documents
2fAll Users\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
30<user name>\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
31Network and Dial-up Connections
35All Users\My Music
36All Users\My Pictures
37All Users\My Video
38Resource Directory
39Localized Resource Directory
3aLinks to All Users OEM specific apps
3bUSERPROFILE\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\CD Burning

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