Revision history for TwistedDIRTWiki

Revision [309]

Last edited on 2025-02-26 23:39:15 by DirtTwister
~[[WikkaWikiInfo | Wikka Wiki Info]]
~[[WikkaWikiInfo \ Wikka Wiki Info]]

Revision [308]

Edited on 2025-02-26 23:39:00 by DirtTwister
~[[WikkaWikiInfo \ Wikka Wiki Info]]
~[[WikkaWikiInfo Wikka | Wiki Info]]

Revision [306]

Edited on 2025-02-26 23:33:32 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerInstallation | Installation]]
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerSharing | Sharing]]
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerTipTricks | Tips & Tricks]]
~-[[GettingStarted | Getting Started]]
~-[[DisplacementMaps | Displacement Maps]]
~-[[Textures | Textures]]
~-[[BikeRiderSkins | Bike and Rider Skins]]
~ [[CreateShortcutsInFileOpenSaveDialogs | Create shortcuts in Windows File Open/Save dialogs]]
~[[WikkaWikiInfo Wikka | Wiki Info]]
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerInstallation Installation]]
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerSharing Sharing]]
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerTipTricks Tips & Tricks]]
~-[[GettingStarted Getting Started]]
~-[[DisplacementMaps Displacement Maps]]
~-[[Textures Textures]]
~-[[BikeRiderSkins Bike and Rider Skins]]
~ [[CreateShortcutsInFileOpenSaveDialogs Create shortcuts in Windows File Open/Save dialogs]]
~[[WikkaWikiInfo Wikka Wiki Info]]

Revision [305]

Edited on 2025-02-26 23:31:43 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerOverview | Overview]]
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerOverview Overview]]

Revision [154]

Edited on 2011-05-16 11:48:19 by Mcm2Boys [Fixing Links after upgrade]
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerTipTricks Tips & Tricks]]

Revision [140]

Edited on 2011-05-15 17:03:50 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerInstallation Installation]]
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerSharing Sharing]]

Revision [138]

Edited on 2011-05-15 17:01:26 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]
The Reflex Track Compiler
~-[[ReflexTrackCompilerOverview Overview]]

Revision [134]

Edited on 2011-05-14 08:23:34 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]
//I hope this can grow into a useful tool for helping everyone to make the best tracks they can for MX vs ATV Reflex. Please send me feedback ( on the content or any new info you would like added. Dirt Twister
//This is a temporary Wiki Home page to get us started. At the very bottom of the page is a link to generic Wikka Wiki documentation to help with editing. We need to establish some conventions and identify the users that can actually edit the pages. I hope this can grow into a useful tool for helping everyone to make the best tracks they can for MX vs ATV Reflex.
Dirt Twister

Revision [121]

Edited on 2011-02-21 12:12:20 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]
~ [[CreateShortcutsInFileOpenSaveDialogs Create shortcuts in Windows File Open/Save dialogs]]
~[[WikkaWikiInfo Wikka Wiki Info]]
~~ [[CreateShortcutsInFileOpenSaveDialogs Create shortcuts in Windows File Open/Save dialogs]]
~~[[WikkaWikiInfo Wikka Wiki Info]]

Revision [120]

Edited on 2011-02-21 12:12:06 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]

Revision [119]

Edited on 2011-02-21 12:11:56 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]
Some tips on creating shortcuts in Windows Common File Open/Save Dialogs:
~~ [[CreateShortcutsInFileOpenSaveDialogs Create shortcuts in Windows File Open/Save dialogs]]
~~[[WikkaWikiInfo Wikka Wiki Info]]
[[WikkaWikiInfo Wikka Wiki Info]]

Revision [39]

Edited on 2011-02-04 12:51:35 by BullDog [Fixing Links after upgrade]
{{image url="images/tdlogo_64.png" alt="Twisted D.I.R.T. logo" title="Welcome to the Twisted D.I.R.T. Wikka site"}}

Revision [38]

Edited on 2011-02-04 12:51:14 by BullDog [Fixing Links after upgrade]
{{image url="images/tdlogo_64.png" alt="Twisted D.I.R.T. logo" title="Welcome to the Twisted D.I.R.T. Wikka site"}}
{{image url="images/tdlogo.png" alt="Twisted D.I.R.T. logo" title="Welcome to the Twisted D.I.R.T. Wikka site"}}

Revision [37]

Edited on 2011-02-04 12:49:02 by BullDog [Fixing Links after upgrade]
{{image url="images/tdlogo.png" alt="Twisted D.I.R.T. logo" title="Welcome to the Twisted D.I.R.T. Wikka site"}}
{{image url="images/tdlogo.gif" alt="Twisted D.I.R.T. logo" title="Welcome to the Twisted D.I.R.T. Wikka site"}}

Revision [36]

Edited on 2011-02-04 12:34:47 by ElDiablo [Fixing Links after upgrade]
Basic structure to begin with
Basic structure to begin withtest

Revision [35]

Edited on 2011-02-04 12:34:37 by ElDiablo [Fixing Links after upgrade]
Basic structure to begin withtest
Basic structure to begin with

Revision [34]

Edited on 2011-02-04 12:16:13 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]
{{image url="images/tdlogo.gif" alt="Twisted D.I.R.T. logo" title="Welcome to the Twisted D.I.R.T. Wikka site"}}
{{image url="images/tdlogo.jpg" alt="Twisted D.I.R.T. logo" title="Welcome to the Twisted D.I.R.T. Wikka site"}}

Revision [33]

Edited on 2011-02-04 12:15:49 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]
{{image url="images/tdlogo.jpg" alt="Twisted D.I.R.T. logo" title="Welcome to the Twisted D.I.R.T. Wikka site"}}
//This is a temporary Wiki Home page to get us started. At the very bottom of the page is a link to generic Wikka Wiki documentation to help with editing. We need to establish some conventions and identify the users that can actually edit the pages. I hope this can grow into a useful tool for helping everyone to make the best tracks they can for MX vs ATV Reflex.
Dirt Twister
Basic structure to begin with
~-[[GettingStarted Getting Started]]
~-[[DisplacementMaps Displacement Maps]]
~-[[Textures Textures]]
~-[[BikeRiderSkins Bike and Rider Skins]]
To look up generic information about using Wikka Wiki:
{{image url="images/wikka_logo.jpg" alt="wikka logo" title="Welcome to your Wikka site"}}
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>>====Getting started====
Double-click on this page or click on the **Edit** link in the page footer to get started. If you are not sure how a wiki works, you can check out the [[FormattingRules Wikka formatting guide]] and play in the SandBox.
>>==Need more help?==
Don't forget to visit the [[ WikkaWiki website]]!>>====Some useful pages====
~-[[FormattingRules Wikka formatting guide]]
~-[[WikkaDocumentation Documentation]]
~-[[RecentChanges Recently modified pages]]
~-[[SysInfo System Information]]
You will find more useful pages in the [[CategoryWiki Wiki category]] or in the PageIndex.

Revision [31]

Edited on 2011-02-04 12:05:35 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]
[[WikkaWikiInfo Wikka Wiki Info]]
[[Info about Wikka Wiki]]

Revision [30]

Edited on 2011-02-04 12:04:34 by DirtTwister [Fixing Links after upgrade]
[[Info about Wikka Wiki]]

Revision [1]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2011-02-04 08:47:51 by WikkaInstaller [Fixing Links after upgrade]
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