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MX Reflex Skin DLC Packager v0.9.5.3

Started by mcm2boys, July 18, 2014, 12:54:26 PM

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I was wondering if a gear pack is also in the works? I heard Jamie is working on some stuff, so I assume once the bikes are done everyone will start working on a huge gear pack to go along with the bikes. I wouldn't mind helping out with it or getting a few slots for me to fill. I've been working on some gear over the past few days and I'm starting to get into making replicas of real gear designs. I've released 2 packs so far. First one was basically just all the semi-decent looking skins I made within the first 24 hours of having the wireframe. The other one was a One Ind. camo kit I just made for fun yesterday. They are both on Reflex Central & MXManiacs if you want to check them out. They aren't the best work in the world but I'm progressing. Let me know about the pack, was thinking about attempting Reed's 2015 Shift Washougal gear.


Nice work guys!

I also heard JamieT is doing Chad Reed and some Fox gear.
Maybe we can put together a list of everybodies favorite gear or something and make the pack together ;)

Working on this one at the moment...



looks sick! ;)

tomorrow i will begin with chad reed's kawa


Im going to make the kxf and kx stock and maybe the suzuki rm and rmz stock  8)


 Been messing around with this skin today, not the best, but looks okay for my first time at making a bike skin. Not completed obviously.  :)
135twitch on steam


All I've done with skins so far is make the Chad Reed Fox V4 replica helmets..  Someone else has made the 2013 & 2014 Shift Faction gear, so I thought I make the matching helmet for the pack.  The skins are as they would be if you bought them in stores.  There are no logos to suggest its a Chad Reed set of gear.  Also remaking the normal map to turn the V3 helmet into a V4... (sort of).. :P

GrantD - If you're making skins for the Fox V3, you'll need to make a new effects map.  The Red channel is shine, Green channel is the places where mud builds up, Blue channel seems to be nothing.  If you notice the shine on the stock V3, you will see it goes abit strange on the visor.  It's because Rainbow didn't even put the correct effects map into the game.  They also messed up the normal map quite a lot.. ::)  Other issues are that the custom effects map for the V3 isn't being saved to the "on-track" DLC package, but hopefully it will be fixed later on... And finally, normal maps don't show up at all once you get "on-track" for ANY helmet.  Seems to be the way Rainbow intended it to be, or yet another mistake... :(  Maybe that will be fixed by us eventually.


made this for my buddy...

skins are fun !!


My first project! It's getting a little better. I just learned how to do this! :)



These are my first attempts. Im having trouble with the gear because you can still see the wire frames through the gear design.




I think you aren't disabling the wireframe layer before you save the bitmap.  There are no issues with the gear that would cause it to show the wireframe like that.  It's something you're doing wrong on your end I'm afraid.


Quote from: jd911 on July 30, 2014, 07:21:25 AM
made this for my buddy...

skins are fun !!

Nice skin .. I see you have the suzuki stock skin so I'm asking you if you want to make the rmz250 450 and rm 125 and 250 stock skins ?


Quote from: jd911 on July 30, 2014, 07:21:25 AM
made this for my buddy...

skins are fun !!

that skin is hott :p nice work man!


AL167 i have finished the Yoshi and Monster Energy skins lemme know when you want to combine all the skins


Message to all you guys releasing skin packs...

Please, please, please include a readme file with your skins telling people to unequip their old gear or graphics before they install a new one.  Otherwise you're going to get bombarded with messages such as "Skins crash my game!!!  :'(",  "This broken!!!! >.<", etc... :P

Don't forget this was posted in the orginal post....

Quote from: mcm2boys on July 18, 2014, 12:54:26 PM

Warning: Using this program and the DLC packages that it generates will almost certainly cause your profile to be reset at some point. To avoid this you will need to deselect any custom rider/vehicle skins from the in-game Garage before you remove or replace any DLC packages. If Reflex tries to load a skin that is no longer available to it, then the game will crash and your profile will be reset.

The solution generally, is to reinstall the last gear you had so that it can be unequipped.  Although you may still get other problems where you cannot change skins at all, and therefore will need to reset your profile.  These DLC packages are a high risk to idiots!  We need to educate where we can!  :-*


Shouldn't it work if you just have a savegame file if the game crashes?


I've had mixed results when trying to revert back to an old save file.  Sometimes it worked, other times the profile would just become reset.

A sure fire way to reset your profile is to open savegame.bxml in a hex editor, and remove the last 4 bytes.  Those 4 bytes are what syncs your profile to Steam I believe.

Your save game can be found here, where xxxx is your Steam ID number.



Kawasaki kx250f 2009 almost done what do you think guys  8) 8)



This is not to sound like a total dick to you guys posting textures here.. But really, it looks like most of you are rushing your work to bits, taking the easy way by just copy pasting images on top of one another. A route I would strongly recommend AVOIDING! It's not a race who can produce the most at the fastest pace. So please, do not treat it as so. Invest time in your work, and make your texture a keeper, instead of one getting tossed in the bin as soon as something new comes along.

Some of the stuff I've been working on for a while now..


(NOTE: The forkguards appear flipped in the menu, but are perfectly fine when using the graphic kit in game. Rainbow made an error on the UVW for the high polygon menu model.)

All 2013 to 2014 Shift Faction gears + extra's