Digital Earthworks - (Track Editor for Reflex)
Reflex Splines are finally ready for you to try. Digital Earthworks has been updated to include laying out splines which means that custom tracks can now be raced properly online. There are some other tweaks and improvements to make the process of creating a track in DE a little easier.
You can download the new version of the editor here:
DigitalEarthworks v0.8.2.7
For this to work extra beta slots have been created, 8 for Sx tracks and 8 for National tracks. Modifications to the MXLeaderBoard file in the reflex root folder is also necessary to make these splined custom tracks to work online. If you don't already have Freeride beta slots installed then you will also need to install these from this post before starting Reflex, you need the bit about Beta DLC files. Once that is complete you can install these new files with the following:
- Download the 2 files from the links below.
- Identify the Reflex install folder, this is usually something like C:\program files\Steam\steamapps\common\mx vs atv reflex\
- Extract the files from the zip files, there should be 2 MXTables_DLC008a files and 1 MX07Leaderboards.bxml. To get around windows security you might need to copy these to your desktop first and not extract the files directly to your Reflex folders.
- Copy the MXTables_DLC008a.database and MXTables_DLC008a.package files to the \Database folder in the Refllx install folder from step 2.
- Copy the MX07Leaderboards.bxml file to the Reflex install folder from step 2. NOT the Database folder.
Start up Reflex and you should be ready to rip..
There are a lot of small improvements in this version of DE, as well as adding the splines, which make this a much more stable version than the last one. I have to say a big thank-you to JamieT and Al167 for their patience with testing and giving me feedback that has helped in a big way to make these improvements. Special thanks also goes to JamieT for providing the preview pictures - think of him every time you can see in DE what the object you want to place looks like.. :)
Have fun
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