A .scn file
saved by Armadillo may contain different waypoint race data depending
on what is loaded in the waypoint edit dialog when Save is run.
Here is
a text view of a a .scn file imediately after saving the project and exiting
armadillo. Notice the NumberOfWaypointRaces=0 line. There were no races
loaded in the waypoint edit dialog when the project was saved. That is
Ok, You will find it is easier to add them in the text editor than to
worry about them in Armadillo. Create and edit the waypoints in Armadillo
but manage them with explorer and a text editor.
Here is
a different text view of a a .scn file imediately after saving the project
and exiting armadillo. Notice the NumberOfWaypointRaces=2 line. These
races were loaded in the waypoint edit dialog of Armadillo when the project
was saved. This is close to what you need for a bundle. There will be
some editing to the names and such but first lets look at the secrets
of naming convention revealed in this text. Armadillo has listed both
The really
important part of the line is the first half that reads:
This line
refers directly to the first .wpt file in the project folder. It
specifically points to the file named:
The sequence
of .wpt files in your project folder must match those addressed in the
.scn file. The WaypontRaceName line is used by armadillo in a specific way
and the naming convention must be used as shown to get the race names and
preview images that appear in Armadillo to correspond to the actual gate
layouts you have created.
If you
understand how the .scn file is structured and you are prepared to edit
the text then it doesn't really matter if the races were currently loaded
when the project was saved.
In fact it is
actually best to save the project clean with no races loaded and prepare
the .scn file manually.
There are
some issues with Aramadillo and the way it saves waypoint files that you
must understand before you can bundle successfully.
To begin, the
first waypoint race you save in a project will be automatically named
~yourprojectname~00.wpt This introduces a immediate problem in that
Armadillo .scn file will address the first race as 01 rather than 00. The
~yourprojectname~00.wpt file need to be renamed with the 01 suffix before
you can bundle the race with a name and preview image.
Wait...there's more!
You will see
that saving a loaded waypoint race will create a new .wpt file. This is
good because you do not overwrite the original .wpt file but you may be
confused when new .wpt files begin to appear. Armadillo makes no
attempt to manage these newly created files. They accumulate in your
project folder and populate the .scn file when loaded during a
Save. You have to learn too manage them prior to a bundle or you will
get inconsistent results. |